(^^) Monocerus 2008 Stream Live

Watch Monocerus online for free at HD quality, full-length cinema. Watch Monocerus cinema online for free. The film Monocerus has got high rating, from many total votes for watching this movie online. Watch this on the web. Sarah Good is a 14 year old American girl and a talented show jumper. Therefore, no one understands why she suddenly loses control of her horse at a show, and badly injures herself. Sarah herself knows why she fell. In the middle of her jump she had a vision of her long lost grandmother Gudrun Schillingmeyer saying good bye. At the same time an old lady is put to rest in Norway. Gudrun lived a long and colored life. Now she follows her daughter Svanhild to her final resting place. What is the connection with Sarah's fear of horses? Sarah knows that she has to get back on her horse, but how? She will find her answer in a remote part of Norway.

Year: 2008
Genre :
Runtime: 100 minutes
Release Date: 2008-06-11
Actors :

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